State of Decay 2: Juggernaut Edition

Game current version: 2.384.867.0 (15.1) - Build 384867

The dead have risen and civilization has fallen. Now it's up to you to gather survivors, scavenge for resources and build a community with up to three of your friends in a post-apocalyptic world – a world where you define what it means to survive in this ultimate zombie survival simulation.

Steam         : %localappdata%\StateOfDecay2\Saved\SaveGames\
Windows Store : %localappdata%\Packages\Microsoft.Dayton(Numbers&Letters)\SystemAppData\wgs
Epic Games    :
Crack (Steam) : %localappdata%\StateOfDecay2\Saved\SaveGames\8877665544332222
Crack (Xbox)  : %localappdata%\StateOfDecay2\Saved\SaveGames\ {your Xbox ID}
Linux (Proton): <Steam-folder>/steamapps/compatdata/495420/pfx/

Cheat Table: StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping_Release_Beta_v4 - File size: 246 KB

Table made by: JDimensional

Bounty Broker pointers by Racer83 :

Inf HP and Bounties by aanpsx :

Compatible with: Steam/Epic/Windows Store


Trainer: Fling - File size: 760 KB

  • Zero Weight: If you’are overburdened, after activating this option, drop or pick up something to remove the overburdened effect.

  • Easy Level Up: When you gain XP for a skill/stat, it will instantly level up to max.

  • Daytime -1 Hour: Note when decreasing time, the day count will always increase by 1.

Compatible with: Steam/Epic/Windows Store

Optional Scripts

Scripts by SovietWristwatch.jpg

Instantly complete ALL active Bounties upon 1 zombie kill:

{ Game   : State of Decay 2 - Windows Store
  Version: v2.384.867.0
  Date   : 2020-03-10
  Author : SovietWristwatch.jpg

aobscanmodule(instantBounties,StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe,39 43 08 7D 62)



  cmp [rbx+08],eax
  jmp StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe+368FDD
  jmp return

  jmp newmem

  db 39 43 08 7D 62


// ORIGINAL CODE - INJECTION POINT: "StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+368F76

"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+368F4B: 4C 63 76 38              -  movsxd  r14,dword ptr [rsi+38]
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+368F4F: 49 C1 E6 04              -  shl r14,04
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+368F53: 4C 03 F3                 -  add r14,rbx
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+368F56: 49 3B DE                 -  cmp rbx,r14
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+368F59: 0F 84 96 00 00 00        -  je StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe+368FF5
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+368F5F: 44 8B BC 24 80 00 00 00  -  mov r15d,[rsp+00000080]
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+368F67: 4C 8B 64 24 78           -  mov r12,[rsp+78]
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+368F6C: 0F 1F 40 00              -  nop [rax+00]
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+368F70: 48 8B 13                 -  mov rdx,[rbx]
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+368F73: 8B 42 78                 -  mov eax,[rdx+78]
// ---------- INJECTING HERE ----------
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+368F76: 39 43 08                 -  cmp [rbx+08],eax
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+368F79: 7D 62                    -  jnl StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe+368FDD
// ---------- DONE INJECTING  ----------
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+368F7B: 48 8B 42 10              -  mov rax,[rdx+10]
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+368F7F: 4D 8D 84 24 88 00 00 00  -  lea r8,[r12+00000088]
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+368F87: 49 63 48 08              -  movsxd  rcx,dword ptr [r8+08]
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+368F8B: 3B 88 90 00 00 00        -  cmp ecx,[rax+00000090]
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+368F91: 7F 47                    -  jg StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe+368FDA
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+368F93: 48 8B 80 88 00 00 00     -  mov rax,[rax+00000088]
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+368F9A: 4C 39 04 C8              -  cmp [rax+rcx*8],r8
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+368F9E: 75 3A                    -  jne StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe+368FDA
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+368FA0: 49 8B 4D 08              -  mov rcx,[r13+08]
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+368FA4: 48 89 54 24 28           -  mov [rsp+28],rdx

Last updated