State of Decay 2: Juggernaut Edition
Game current version: 2.384.867.0 (15.1) - Build 384867
Last updated
Game current version: 2.384.867.0 (15.1) - Build 384867
Last updated
Steam : %localappdata%\StateOfDecay2\Saved\SaveGames\
Windows Store : %localappdata%\Packages\Microsoft.Dayton(Numbers&Letters)\SystemAppData\wgs
Epic Games :
Crack (Steam) : %localappdata%\StateOfDecay2\Saved\SaveGames\8877665544332222
Crack (Xbox) : %localappdata%\StateOfDecay2\Saved\SaveGames\ {your Xbox ID}
Linux (Proton): <Steam-folder>/steamapps/compatdata/495420/pfx/
Cheat Table: StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping_Release_Beta_v4 - File size: 246 KB
Table made by: JDimensional
Bounty Broker pointers by Racer83 :
Inf HP and Bounties by aanpsx :
StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping (Currently only works with Steam version)
Compatible with: Steam/Epic/Windows Store
Trainer: Fling - File size: 760 KB
Zero Weight: If you’are overburdened, after activating this option, drop or pick up something to remove the overburdened effect.
Easy Level Up: When you gain XP for a skill/stat, it will instantly level up to max.
Daytime -1 Hour: Note when decreasing time, the day count will always increase by 1.
Compatible with: Steam/Epic/Windows Store
Scripts by SovietWristwatch.jpg
Instantly complete ALL active Bounties upon 1 zombie kill:
{ Game : State of Decay 2 - Windows Store
Version: v2.384.867.0
Date : 2020-03-10
Author : SovietWristwatch.jpg
aobscanmodule(instantBounties,StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe,39 43 08 7D 62)
cmp [rbx+08],eax
jmp StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe+368FDD
jmp return
jmp newmem
db 39 43 08 7D 62
// ORIGINAL CODE - INJECTION POINT: "StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+368F76
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+368F4B: 4C 63 76 38 - movsxd r14,dword ptr [rsi+38]
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+368F4F: 49 C1 E6 04 - shl r14,04
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+368F53: 4C 03 F3 - add r14,rbx
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+368F56: 49 3B DE - cmp rbx,r14
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+368F59: 0F 84 96 00 00 00 - je StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe+368FF5
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+368F5F: 44 8B BC 24 80 00 00 00 - mov r15d,[rsp+00000080]
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+368F67: 4C 8B 64 24 78 - mov r12,[rsp+78]
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+368F6C: 0F 1F 40 00 - nop [rax+00]
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+368F70: 48 8B 13 - mov rdx,[rbx]
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+368F73: 8B 42 78 - mov eax,[rdx+78]
// ---------- INJECTING HERE ----------
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+368F76: 39 43 08 - cmp [rbx+08],eax
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+368F79: 7D 62 - jnl StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe+368FDD
// ---------- DONE INJECTING ----------
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+368F7B: 48 8B 42 10 - mov rax,[rdx+10]
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+368F7F: 4D 8D 84 24 88 00 00 00 - lea r8,[r12+00000088]
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+368F87: 49 63 48 08 - movsxd rcx,dword ptr [r8+08]
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+368F8B: 3B 88 90 00 00 00 - cmp ecx,[rax+00000090]
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+368F91: 7F 47 - jg StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe+368FDA
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+368F93: 48 8B 80 88 00 00 00 - mov rax,[rax+00000088]
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+368F9A: 4C 39 04 C8 - cmp [rax+rcx*8],r8
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+368F9E: 75 3A - jne StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe+368FDA
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+368FA0: 49 8B 4D 08 - mov rcx,[r13+08]
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+368FA4: 48 89 54 24 28 - mov [rsp+28],rdx
Scripts by SovietWristwatch.jpg
No Trauma & No Injuries (supplement to Unlimited Health, will prevent instant death from teleporting and Freak zombies) BEWARE: If you use these two scripts, be sure to ALWAYS activate them BOTH before loading your save or might instantly die when loading in:
{ Game : State of Decay 2 - Windows Store
Version: v2.384.867.0
Date : 2020-03-10
Author : SovietWristwatch.jpg
aobscanmodule(noTrauma,StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe,F3 0F 11 89 74 04 00 00)
cmp [rcx+C4],#391 // filter player/hostile humans
jne code
cmp [rcx+43C],#391
jne code
//cmp [rcx+1D0],1 // filter player/hostile humans
//jne code
//cmp [rcx+1D4],1 // filter player/hostile humans
//jne code
mov [rcx+00000474],(float)0
jmp return
movss [rcx+00000474],xmm1
jmp return
jmp newmem
nop 3
db F3 0F 11 89 74 04 00 00
// ORIGINAL CODE - INJECTION POINT: "StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+21C2C3
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+21C29F: 48 89 5C 24 70 - mov [rsp+70],rbx
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+21C2A4: 0F 29 74 24 50 - movaps [rsp+50],xmm6
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+21C2A9: 49 8B F8 - mov rdi,r8
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+21C2AC: 48 8B D9 - mov rbx,rcx
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+21C2AF: 0F 57 F6 - xorps xmm6,xmm6
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+21C2B2: 0F 2F CE - comiss xmm1,xmm6
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+21C2B5: 73 03 - jae StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe+21C2BA
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+21C2B7: 0F 28 CE - movaps xmm1,xmm6
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+21C2BA: 0F 2E 89 74 04 00 00 - ucomiss xmm1,[rcx+00000474]
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+21C2C1: 74 73 - je StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe+21C336
// ---------- INJECTING HERE ----------
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+21C2C3: F3 0F 11 89 74 04 00 00 - movss [rcx+00000474],xmm1
// ---------- DONE INJECTING ----------
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+21C2CB: 48 81 C1 30 07 00 00 - add rcx,00000730
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+21C2D2: B2 07 - mov dl,07
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+21C2D4: E8 47 3D FF FF - call StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe+210020
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+21C2D9: 0F 2E B3 74 04 00 00 - ucomiss xmm6,[rbx+00000474]
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+21C2E0: 75 54 - jne StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe+21C336
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+21C2E2: 33 C0 - xor eax,eax
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+21C2E4: 48 89 44 24 38 - mov [rsp+38],rax
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+21C2E9: 48 89 44 24 40 - mov [rsp+40],rax
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+21C2EE: 48 8D 57 40 - lea rdx,[rdi+40]
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+21C2F2: 48 8D 05 17 55 3D 03 - lea rax,[StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe+35F1810]
{ Game : State of Decay 2 - Windows Store
Version: v2.384.867.0
Date : 2020-03-10
Author : SovietWristwatch.jpg
aobscanmodule(noInjury,StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe,F3 0F 11 84 87 D0 02 00 00)
cmp rax,7
jne code
cmp [rdi+24],#391 // filter player/hostile humans
jne code
mov [rdi+rax*4+000002D0],(float)0
jmp return
movss [rdi+rax*4+000002D0],xmm0
jmp return
jmp newmem
nop 4
db F3 0F 11 84 87 D0 02 00 00
// ORIGINAL CODE - INJECTION POINT: "StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+216B2E
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+216B08: 41 FF 50 10 - call qword ptr [r8+10]
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+216B0C: 4C 8B 06 - mov r8,[rsi]
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+216B0F: 8B D3 - mov edx,ebx
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+216B11: 48 8B CE - mov rcx,rsi
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+216B14: 0F B6 E8 - movzx ebp,al
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+216B17: 41 FF 50 08 - call qword ptr [r8+08]
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+216B1B: 40 80 FD 94 - cmp bpl,-6C
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+216B1F: 73 16 - jae StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe+216B37
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+216B21: 40 0F B6 C5 - movzx eax,bpl
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+216B25: F3 0F 58 84 87 D0 02 00 00 - addss xmm0,[rdi+rax*4+000002D0]
// ---------- INJECTING HERE ----------
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+216B2E: F3 0F 11 84 87 D0 02 00 00 - movss [rdi+rax*4+000002D0],xmm0
// ---------- DONE INJECTING ----------
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+216B37: FF C3 - inc ebx
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+216B39: 41 3B DE - cmp ebx,r14d
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+216B3C: 7C C2 - jl StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe+216B00
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+216B3E: 49 83 C7 08 - add r15,08
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+216B42: 4D 3B FD - cmp r15,r13
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+216B45: 75 9E - jne StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe+216AE5
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+216B47: 4C 8B 74 24 28 - mov r14,[rsp+28]
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+216B4C: 48 8B 74 24 60 - mov rsi,[rsp+60]
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+216B51: 48 8B 6C 24 58 - mov rbp,[rsp+58]
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+216B56: 48 8B 5C 24 50 - mov rbx,[rsp+50]
Scripts by SovietWristwatch.jpg
Instantly Complete Daybreak Wave:
{ Game : State of Decay 2 - Windows Store
Version: v2.384.867.0
Date : 2020-03-10
Author : SovietWristwatch.jpg
aobscanmodule(daybreakTimer,StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe,F3 0F 11 81 C8 01 00 00)
sub [rcx+000001C8],(float)1
jmp return
movss [rcx+000001C8],xmm0
jmp return
jmp newmem
nop 3
db F3 0F 11 81 C8 01 00 00
// ORIGINAL CODE - INJECTION POINT: "StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+57AEA4
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+57AE7F: 48 83 C4 30 - add rsp,30
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+57AE83: 5B - pop rbx
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+57AE84: C3 - ret
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+57AE85: F3 0F 10 81 C8 01 00 00 - movss xmm0,[rcx+000001C8]
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+57AE8D: 0F 57 C9 - xorps xmm1,xmm1
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+57AE90: 48 89 7C 24 40 - mov [rsp+40],rdi
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+57AE95: 33 FF - xor edi,edi
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+57AE97: 0F 2F C1 - comiss xmm0,xmm1
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+57AE9A: 0F 86 85 00 00 00 - jbe StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe+57AF25
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+57AEA0: F3 0F 5C C6 - subss xmm0,xmm6
// ---------- INJECTING HERE ----------
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+57AEA4: F3 0F 11 81 C8 01 00 00 - movss [rcx+000001C8],xmm0
// ---------- DONE INJECTING ----------
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+57AEAC: 40 38 B8 B0 00 00 00 - cmp [rax+000000B0],dil
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+57AEB3: 74 70 - je StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe+57AF25
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+57AEB5: 39 78 40 - cmp [rax+40],edi
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+57AEB8: 75 05 - jne StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe+57AEBF
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+57AEBA: 39 78 44 - cmp [rax+44],edi
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+57AEBD: 74 66 - je StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe+57AF25
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+57AEBF: 48 39 B9 E0 01 00 00 - cmp [rcx+000001E0],rdi
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+57AEC6: 75 3B - jne StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe+57AF03
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+57AEC8: 48 8B 89 10 01 00 00 - mov rcx,[rcx+00000110]
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+57AECF: 48 8B 40 40 - mov rax,[rax+40]
Scripts by SovietWristwatch.jpg
Instantly Complete Daybreak Wave (alternative) Setup your own hotkey to enable the script. It will complete the wave every time you press the hotkey, giving you time to collect the drops, selectively skip waves, etc:
{ Game : State of Decay 2 - Windows Store
Version: v2.384.867.0
Date : 2020-03-10
Author : SovietWristwatch.jpg
aobscanmodule(daybreakTimer,StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe,F3 0F 11 81 C8 01 00 00)
sub [rcx+000001C8],(float)1
jmp return
movss [rcx+000001C8],xmm0
jmp return
jmp newmem
nop 3
if syntaxcheck then return end
local memrec = memrec or getAddressList().getMemoryRecordByDescription("Script Name")
local timer = createTimer()
timer.Interval = 100 -- 1000 milliseconds per second
timer.OnTimer = function(theTimerCallingThisFunction)
memrec.Active = false -- deactivate the script
timer.destroy() -- destroy the timer so it doesn't keep running
db F3 0F 11 81 C8 01 00 00
// ORIGINAL CODE - INJECTION POINT: "StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+57AEA4
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+57AE7F: 48 83 C4 30 - add rsp,30
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+57AE83: 5B - pop rbx
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+57AE84: C3 - ret
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+57AE85: F3 0F 10 81 C8 01 00 00 - movss xmm0,[rcx+000001C8]
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+57AE8D: 0F 57 C9 - xorps xmm1,xmm1
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+57AE90: 48 89 7C 24 40 - mov [rsp+40],rdi
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+57AE95: 33 FF - xor edi,edi
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+57AE97: 0F 2F C1 - comiss xmm0,xmm1
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+57AE9A: 0F 86 85 00 00 00 - jbe StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe+57AF25
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+57AEA0: F3 0F 5C C6 - subss xmm0,xmm6
// ---------- INJECTING HERE ----------
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+57AEA4: F3 0F 11 81 C8 01 00 00 - movss [rcx+000001C8],xmm0
// ---------- DONE INJECTING ----------
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+57AEAC: 40 38 B8 B0 00 00 00 - cmp [rax+000000B0],dil
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+57AEB3: 74 70 - je StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe+57AF25
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+57AEB5: 39 78 40 - cmp [rax+40],edi
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+57AEB8: 75 05 - jne StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe+57AEBF
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+57AEBA: 39 78 44 - cmp [rax+44],edi
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+57AEBD: 74 66 - je StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe+57AF25
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+57AEBF: 48 39 B9 E0 01 00 00 - cmp [rcx+000001E0],rdi
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+57AEC6: 75 3B - jne StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe+57AF03
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+57AEC8: 48 8B 89 10 01 00 00 - mov rcx,[rcx+00000110]
"StateOfDecay2-Win64-Shipping.exe"+57AECF: 48 8B 40 40 - mov rax,[rax+40]